For one reason or another, the letter between x and z doesn't work on 'mi' 'kee'board. I am 'tri'ing to figure out what is going on. I wonder if it could be the end result of a certain 3 'ear' old 'boee' 'tri'ing to text on the computer. Just 'tri' it. Just 'tri' to 'tipe' without one letter. I bet 'ewe'r big brain goes 'crazee' like I am. What did Danielle 'sae'??.... "going 'crazee' until 'ewe' are face down in a chocolate cake, mumbling a bunch of nothing?!" I am almost there.
Joke for the 'dae': What is the difference between the swine flu and bird flu? 'Ewe' have to take oinkment with one and a tweetment with the other. (Thank 'ewe' Scott Blair for that fabulous joke!)
HA HA HA HA HA. (ok. time to wipe off the chocolate cake....I am 'officiallee' losing 'mi' mind.)
How funny! A certain 2 year old at my house recently broke the letter "e" off my kyboard. I could hardly function until my husband rplacd th kyboard.
Hope you are feeling well!
Sorry to hear your Y is missing, but I give you total props for creativity!
That is hilarious and very creative by you!
funny. love the pic!
so you must tell me how you grinded your wheat with the Bosch? i have one and would love to use it for that very purpose. I used my kitchen aid blender once and it burned out the motor, but the bosch has a car engine in it so that is brilliant. need i buy attachments?
Monica- to answer your question.....yes you have to buy an attachment. I asked for one last year for Christmas. The attachment that I got is called The Family Grain Mill. It literally ground up a full 'food storage' size can of wheat in one hour!!!! I am definitely going to use it more often! I love it!
blake broke a few leers on my keyboard he oher day as well. Can you figure ou which leers hey were? Seriously I'm no rying o make his up....i drives you nus righ?
So happy to see you have a blog and now we can stay in touch! Can't wait to read on and catch up! Good luck with the pregnancy!
Ewe are so funnee. Wae to see the happee side of things.
PS. Got your card - loved it.
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